Steve McCready
Steve on the power of curiosity and how to cultivate more of it

Steve on the power of curiosity and how to cultivate more of it

We're wired for and driven to judgment, but it's often a problematic place to hang out

I think curiosity is one of the most powerful tools we have when it comes to problem solving, creativity, and innovation. If you’re trying to build a successful, innovative business that’s making a difference and serving people powerfully, getting better at being curious will take you a long way in that direction.

Especially when it’s an alternative to judgment, a tool that comes with very limited upside and a whole lot of downside.

Inspired by one of my favorite (misattributed) quotes, this episode will help you understand why we veer into the realm of judgment so quickly and easily, how to stop doing so, and how to get better at the skill of being curious.

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Paradoxical, Season 3, Episode 9: Transformation through Truth: Some Thoughts on Personal and Business Development (explains the ‘3 A’s’ framework in more depth.

Ted Lasso - ‘Darts’ scene

Snopes on ‘Be Curious, Not Judgmental’

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Steve McCready
Sure, you've got a small business, but that doesn't mean you can't have big ambitions.
Paradoxical is about the psychology behind doing big things in small business, so if you're looking to take your business to the next level, you've come to the right place.